Vaginal/Yoni Steam | Self-love | Self-care | Organic Herbs
Vaginal Steaming (Yoni Steaming) is an ancient practice that will provide a gentle and effective way to help heal and cleanse before and after child birth.
Direction included, any additional question please email Aisia @support.sweetfacescans.com.
Sweetface Scans LLC. is not responsible for any injuries.
Please consult doctor before using if you are any vaginal issues.
If you are pregnant, breast feeding or postpartum less than 10 weeks you should not use.
Vaginal/Yoni Steam | Self-love | Self-care | Organic Herbs
Vaginal Steaming (Yoni Steaming) is an ancient practice that will provide a gentle and effective way to help heal and cleanse before and after child birth.
Direction included, any additional question please email Aisia @support.sweetfacescans.com.
Sweetface Scans LLC. is not responsible for any injuries.
Please consult doctor before using if you are any vaginal issues.
If you are pregnant, breast feeding or postpartum less than 10 weeks you should not use.
Vaginal/Yoni Steam | Self-love | Self-care | Organic Herbs
Vaginal Steaming (Yoni Steaming) is an ancient practice that will provide a gentle and effective way to help heal and cleanse before and after child birth.
Direction included, any additional question please email Aisia @support.sweetfacescans.com.
Sweetface Scans LLC. is not responsible for any injuries.
Please consult doctor before using if you are any vaginal issues.
If you are pregnant, breast feeding or postpartum less than 10 weeks you should not use.