Starting at 6 weeks into pregnancy
99% accurate DNA-based blood test
Sample collected onsite by trained staff member
Results emailed straight to you in 1 day or 2 days.
2 Day results $149
1 Day results $169
Snap Kit 2 Day & 1 Day results $179
Appointments can be scheduled between 9:00 am - 4:00 pm.
Saturday appointments will be shipped out on Monday, due to local shipping companies are closed on Saturdays.
If you're unsure of your dates or haven't had an ultrasound during this pregnancy, it's recommended that a
Heartbeat Ultrasound is chosen as a Add On with your SneakPeek blood work.
When booking an Ultrasound & SneakPeek Gender DNA, please choose the ultrasound first and then add the SneakPeek.